
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You Must Be 21 To Read This !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are under 21, call your mommy or daddy in to read it to you.
If you feel you have received this mailing in error, go ahead and read it
anyway. Read it two or three times to be sure. You have nothing to lose!
You read the subject right! There are literally millions to be made by
selling Bulk Email Sex Software to Aliens!!! I have, in my possession, the
names and addresses of 5 million aliens that will allow you to tap into
untold wealth without working another minute.
I repeat THIS IS NOT A SCAM!!!
I know it's hard to believe, but this is a legitimate company that has
been in business for over 6 months (that's eons in the internet
marketplace). Last week alone we made over 5 million dollars from credit
card sales alone, not counting the sale of customized t-shirts and
vitamins to downline. These aliens are really strange creatures and they
love to Buy Bulk Email Sex Software and send you all their money. They get
so excited that they tell all their friends and relatives, who then become
their downline. This can happen in a matter of seconds.
You are probably saying to yourself, 'there must be some kind of catch'.
There is no catch and I can prove it to you in the next five minutes.
Just fill in the form below with your credit card information and email
it to: UFOsRuS@NoScam.Com
------------------------Your Credit Card Info--------------------------
Credit Card Name (All cards accepted) _____________________________
Credit Card Number (you must use a real #) _________________________
Expiration Date ________________
Email your credit card information to: UFOsRuS@NoScam.Com
Let me repeat the CORRECT email address again: UFOsRus@NoScam.com
Wait 5 minutes, then check your credit card balance on our web page at:
If your balance on our webpage doesn't show that you have earned at least
$5,000 while you were waiting, we will double your money back!!!
How's that for a great deal? No investment, no work and earn over $1,000 a
minute while you surf the net and double your money back! We contact the
aliens and put them to work for you. You don't have to lift a finger
(except when you send us the credit card information). Those aliens just
love to make money for other people!!! Tell your friends and family about
us (only if they have credit cards). And let us put the aliens to work for
them too.
Some testimonials:
Hi! My name is Mary Jane Smith and I'm just a normal mom/homemaker/"good
person". I am **NOT** an internet scam artist trying to take your money.
(Believe me, I hate those slimeballs as much as you do and would like to
cut off their... well, you know what I mean ). You can trust
UFOsRuS! I did and my kitchen table is covered with piles of money. I
still don't know how it gets there, but it is covered. UFOsRuS I Love You!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Hi! My name is Billy Jo Bob Jones and I'm just a normal country boy who
makes his living on the farm. I would never try to screw you out of any
money like all the rest of them sleazy internet scam artists. Let me tell
you my story. A few times, while slopping the hogs, I thought I saw
strange lights in the sky that might be UFOs. Boy was I wrong . Since
I've been with UFOsRuS I've met the REAL aliens. Heck, they look just like
you and me ('cept for some strange habits them critters have, like giving
you all their money). My cousin Jim Bob has been tellin' everybody that he
was abducted by aliens. Horse-pucky! Jim Bob can't tell his grass from a
hole in the muffler. Before UFOsRuS came along, I used to have piles
(painful sometimes), but now I piles of money! Finally tared down the old
privy and got some indoor plumbing! You can really trust these fellers not
to poke you like some of them big shot city slicker internet scam artists.
Thank you UFOsRuS!!!
If you don't have internet access yet or accidentally delete this
message, you can still make millions!!!
Just print out this message, fill in your credit card information and
mail it to:
P.O. Box 99801
Hollywood, CA 91609
Our friendly staff is dying to hear from you!
If you feel that you received this message in error (even though our first
amendment rights protect us) and would like to be permanently removed from
our list for the next couple of weeks, send your remove request to:
upyours@iemmfculater.com. You will then receive a token by autoreply which
is located somewhere in the body (your guess is as good as ours). Copy the
token to another portion of your message and send the second message to:
stickthis@you.know.where.org. You will then be notified in the next week
to ten days if your remove request was successful.
Copyright 1997, UFOsRuS, all rights reserved.