
Web Hosting SuperDuper Val-U Plan
October 3, 1997

Web Hosting SuperDuper Valu-U Plan
Only 25 cents a month!
Now you too can have quality webhosting for
only 25 cents a month! Why pay exorbitant rates of sometimes $19.95, even
up to $25 a month from other "so-called-using-finger-quotes-Value"
services, when you and your business can get a quality web presence for
only 25 cents?
Now, we can host your ultra-high-bandwidth site (smutty sites welcome!)
for less than the cost of a dead hamster each month. For only 25 cents*, we will host your site on a genuine
"Sparq" ("It's the one with bite!") Super-DuperServer (600 MHz RISC, 4 GB
RAM, 8 TB SCSI HD, OSF BSD 2.4, PCI, 100 Mbps FDDI, ETA 6:45, AAPL 25 3/8
(+5/8), LSD, PBJ, PMS, RTFM ASAP)! Better yet, our low flat-rate package
allows you to transfer more than six
thousand bytes a day without additional cost to you, the
web-savvy user.
Sign up today, and we'll include a FREE
login and password (a $25 value)! That's right! We know that a web-savvy
individual such as yourself (you must have been an
Internet guru to pick a name like "iluvllamas@aol.com") is waaaaaay
too clever to get taken for a ride on something as important as this. So
we take all the hassle out of webhosting, to give you more time to do
important things, like complain about spam.
Bob in marketing just learned how to do HTML forms, so
you can now fill out our on-line sign-up form
and start your service through the SCHNELL.NET SUPER-DUPER VAL-U PLAN
Terms and Conditions
- $2.50 additional monthly fee for us plugging the server in.
- $3.75 additional monthly fee for us not unplugging the server whenever
we feel like it.
- $4.25 additional fee per KB for monthly transfer over 6 KB.
- $9.00 additional fee every time you mention "Microsoft FrontPage."
- $12.00 additional fee each time we have to explain to you how to use
Microsoft "Bob."
- $13.50 additional monthly fee for us not letting chickens roost in
your spare drive bays.
- $15.00 additional fee per day we don't host a Quake tournament on your
- $23.00 additional fee per day we don't train the neighbor's German
Shepherd that your server is a fire hydrant.
- $28.00 additional monthly fee for FTP or Telnet access.
- $34.95 additional monthly fee for us not setting up a
cron job to change your server's name and IP address every
twelve minutes.
- $46.00 additional monthly fee for us not plugging you into a 2400-baud
AGIS dial-up.
- $50.00 additional monthly fee for tech support*. (*so that our tech
staff will not call you "jackass sucker" and hang up as soon as you
- $55.00 additional fee each time we don't call you "dickweed" and flood
ping you for the fun of it.
- $60.00 additional fee for us not answering the phone "Domino's Pizza!"
and denying we have anything to do with webhosting.
- $65.00 additional fee per question asked.
- $85.00 additional fee per dumb question asked.
- $115.00 additional fee per actual answer given.
- $145.00 additional fee per answer given which is not "I dunno. It's
probably something wrong with the computer or something."
- $165.00 additional fee each time we don't tell you "You should call up
AOL and complain about busy signals. That should fix the problem."
- $200.00 additional fee for us not to answer your question in an
obscure dialect of Mandarin Chinese.
- $350.00 additional fee each time we tell you to "
hole_in_the_ground | grep "your_ass"
- $2,000.00 additional fee each time we don't drive over and beat the
crap out of you for asking us stupid questions.
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